Kentico CMS 6.0 Context Help

Export grid: All objects

Export grid: All objects

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Export grid: All objects

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Here, you can adjust global export options.


Global selection

Load default selection

If clicked, object preselection will be done based on your choice in Step 1.

Select all objects

If clicked, all objects will be preselected.

Deselect all objects

If clicked, all objects will be deselected.

Export settings

Export tasks

If enabled, delete tasks (incremental deployment) will be included in the package.

Export files

Some objects in the database are linked with physical files in the file system. If you check this check-box, these files will be exported along with the database objects.

Export global folders

If enabled, global files under the folders listed below will be exported:

- <web project>\App_Code\Global

- <web project>\CMSGlobalFiles

Export assembly files

If enabled, bound assembly files will be exported together with notification gateways, payment options, integration connectors, scheduled tasks and smart search indexes.

Export site folders

This option is only available when exporting a website, not just separate objects. If enabled, files under the folders listed below will be exported:

- <web project>\App_Code\<site code name>

- <web project>\<site code name>

Export ASPX templates folder

If enabled, the folder with ASPX page templates will be exported:

- <web project>\CMSTemplates

Export forum custom layouts folder

If enabled, folder with custom forum layouts will be exported:

- <webproject>\CMSModules\Forums\Controls\Layouts\Custom


Detailed information about the built-in export/import functionality in Kentico CMS can be found in Developer's Guide -> Managing sites -> Export and import.